About Magnus Organ & Antique Wind Instruments


Welcome graphic


Old copy:
This organization was founded to preserve the vanishing antiquity and promote the use and trade of Magnus Miniature Organs and Wind Instruments, as well as other antique organs and musical wind instruments.

Magnus organs were made in The United States starting with the Industrial Revolution and ending during the Vietnam War Era. They are increasingly precious as their numbers are dwindling.

If you know of one of these precious instruments please inform us. These organs' values start at approximately $1,500 if the instrument is in at least "workable" or "useable" condition, more value is fetched the closer the instrument is to our museum or showroom quality.

Please enjoy the revelry and cameraderie of others who appreciate the splendor and patriotism of these instruments.

Thank you.

-Administrator - Jasmine Maxine Andrews

Our Mission

Mission: To promote the wonder of Magnus Organs and electric-wind organs of a by-gone era.

Becoming a Member

I became a member of this organization after learning to play on a Magnus electric-wind organ with my grandmother Erta. Bernadine Rutherford in Salt Lake City Utah in the late 1950's.

People shouting at the world over megaphones; Size=240 pixels wide

Organization News

Upcoming Organ Show!
Wurlitzer Show organ at the Sanfilippo residence in Barrington, IL
Photo Wurlitzer organ at the Sanfilippo residence in Barrington, IL
This Week's Show
June 6, 2005 - No. 0523
Archived Audio Listen | Listings View complete program
(RealAudio; How to Listen)

That Golden Glow
A 50th anniversary celebration of the ongoing activities of the American Theatre Organ Society.

Listen to an extra 30 minutes of related music each week by subscribing to our newsletter, Organ Notes.
Featured Organs
Photo Wurlitzer organ at the Sanfilippo residence, Barrington, IL

Questions or comments? Get in touch with us at:


Mailing Address:

Temp Address
P.O. Box 483
Salem, Oregon 97304